Evening Everyone
So no recent cards to upload for fortunately been busy with my shop on Ebay...All going well and had some new additions including the gorgeous Bo Bunny range - i am pleased to say I am now stocking there pieces, slowly getting more and more through.....Their papers are absolutely stunning and a fantastic addition to any card so please check these out on my Ebay Page here.
More fantastic news....I am finally getting an e-commerce website...Currently being designed at the moment but should be up and running in a few weeks....The website will be www.stitcheddesigns.co.uk so please check this out....All items will be cheaper than Ebay as will not have their (rather large) fees to pay....
I currently waiting for a couple of accounts to go through but hopefully will soon be stocking a range or dies and selection of flowers and pearls, so products will be regularly updated on Ebay and my website once up and running.....